It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Show 瘋狂電視台瘋電影
The River 河流
Nina Wu 灼人秘密
2019年雪梨台灣影展主題是藝術和電影的結合。 此次主視覺以水墨繪畫與當代科技設計元素融合在一起,營造出一個有趣的氛圍。 主題的連貫性代表著思想和時事的變換,包括ㄌ性別,信仰和傳統價值觀。 守護神— 表示著未來與現代的融合、信仰和藝術的轉變、以及人類和大自然的關係。透過入圍的電影,一同探討這些議題在人們生活中所帶出的引響與牽連。 The theme of 2019 Taiwan Film Festival focuses on the concept of abstraction in art and cinema. Combine ink painting art and contemporary graphic design element with a playful touch. The coherence of the two subjects represents the ebb and flow of ideas and current issues, including gender, technology, beliefs and traditional values. These thematic issues are all woven into this year's program, creating a vivid snapshot of modern Taiwan. Not only it is important to raise these issues, but also to challenge the viewers to actively examine these issues in conversations with the people around them.